Are you smarter than a hacker?


Become a Cyber Agent now!

Learn to recognize and prevent online dangers. Become a real hero and protect your environment. Join in and have the chance to be officially honored by the police. Also, participate in 'HackShield in Class' and go on an adventure with Sanne, André, and other HackShield characters alongside your teacher and classmates. The online world will have no secrets for you anymore.

Discover HackShield

HackShield carroussel image with hackshield digital friends and characters in the game with puzzles and strategy and graphics. The game is about hacking and learning about the digital world HackShield carroussel image with hackshield digital friends and characters in the game with puzzles and strategy and graphics. The game is about hacking and learning about the digital world

Become a Cyber Agent!

Step 1: Oh no! The internet is so much fun, but it can also be dangerous. How do I learn more?!

HackShield carroussel image with hackshield digital friends and characters in the game with puzzles and strategy and graphics. The game is about hacking and learning about the digital world HackShield carroussel image with hackshield digital friends and characters in the game with puzzles and strategy and graphics. The game is about hacking and learning about the digital world

Become a Cyber Agent!

Step 2: Play HackShield and learn everything about the digital world!

HackShield carroussel image with hackshield digital friends and characters in the game with puzzles and strategy and graphics. The game is about hacking and learning about the digital world HackShield carroussel image with hackshield digital friends and characters in the game with puzzles and strategy and graphics. The game is about hacking and learning about the digital world

Become a Cyber Agent!

Step 3: Become an expert and get the high score in your area!

HackShield carroussel image with hackshield digital friends and characters in the game with puzzles and strategy and graphics. The game is about hacking and learning about the digital world HackShield carroussel image with hackshield digital friends and characters in the game with puzzles and strategy and graphics. The game is about hacking and learning about the digital world

Become a Cyber Agent!

Step 4: Help the police and teach your friends and family everything you know!

HackShield carroussel image with hackshield digital friends and characters in the game with puzzles and strategy and graphics. The game is about hacking and learning about the digital world HackShield carroussel image with hackshield digital friends and characters in the game with puzzles and strategy and graphics. The game is about hacking and learning about the digital world

Become a Cyber Agent!

Step 5: Yes! You now know how to become a REAL Cyber Agent! We're counting on you!

Hack the Hacker

"No one can beat me!" - Dark Hacker, 2024

Beat the Dark Hacker and make the internet a safer place!

Play HackShield!

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Play now!